Thursday, February 10, 2011

Welcome Back!!!

Wow how the first week has flown.

Room 6 is buzzing and on track for an awesome year. We've kicked off the term by setting some personal goals to get our writing and learning on track. Come in and check out the wall display, you'll see how we are focussing on finding our place in society and how we can contribute, there's been heaps of discussion about what qualities leaders have and which we are already displaying.

It seems I've been really focussed on getting camp sorted, health notice are due in asap. Next week there will be information for the wonderful parent helpers and more detail about the activities the children will participate in coming home.

You're welcome to come in and find out more about our E-Portfolios, Mathletics and homework next Wednesday night at our Meet the Teacher Evening. I'll be updating contact details, and looking forward to your questions.

Hope to catch you Friday night at the pool for the Back to School picnic.

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